Company dives

Hello and welcome to a special edition of the Turban Foster Show. We're your hosts, Stephen Turban, the co-founder of Lumiere, and Greg Foster, the co-founder of Graphite, diving into the intriguing world of global startups and their founders.

In this episode, we're particularly excited to explore a company that has captured our fascination— Often referred to as the "Berkshire Hathaway of the Internet,", a bootstrapped venture, has reached near a billion-dollar valuation, making it a topic worth delving into. As a holding company, boasts ownership of around 35 companies, spanning the realms of digital services with a particular focus on the Shopify ecosystem.

Today, our focus shifts to the mastermind behind Tiny, Andrew, a college dropout from Victoria, Canada, who bootstrapped his way into creating one of the most significant bootstrap companies in the world. Join us as we dissect his journey, his philosophies, and how he built a unique empire in the tech world.

Andrew's Early Entrepreneurial Spirit

Exploring the roots of takes us back to the formative years of its founder, Andrew. His journey into the realm of entrepreneurship began much earlier than most, tracing back to his high school and college days. This was a time when Andrew's curiosity and talent for technology began to shine, setting the foundation for his future endeavors.

One significant milestone in Andrew's early career was his engagement with Dribble, a social platform crucial for designers. Reflecting on this, I remember using Dribble myself during my high school and college years. It was an invaluable resource for someone like me, who was delving into iOS app development without a solid background in design. Dribble served as a hub for inspiration, offering a wealth of ideas for app icons, homepage layouts, and more.

Andrew's involvement with tech platforms like Dribble during his formative years wasn't just about building something; it was more about absorbing knowledge, testing the waters, and learning through experience. This approach is evident in one of his earliest ventures,, which he started when he was just 15. It was more than a review site for Apple products; it was a testament to his early entrepreneurial mindset and his ability to identify and leverage emerging tech trends.

These initial steps into the world of technology and business were not merely forays into entrepreneurship; they were the building blocks of Andrew's future. His early experiences highlight a pattern of exploratory learning and a readiness to embrace new challenges. It is this combination of strategic insight, recognition of potential, and a relentless pursuit of innovation that would later become the cornerstone of

The Genesis and Growth of

The story of begins with Andrew's vision to create a different kind of company in the tech world. This vision was rooted in his own experiences and observations of the industry. started as a holding company, a model not commonly seen in the fast-paced, venture-backed world of tech startups. It was an ambitious project, aiming to own a portfolio of digital service companies, with a keen interest in the Shopify ecosystem.

Greg and I delved into the unique aspects of's business model. We discussed how wasn't just another tech company looking for rapid growth and exit strategies. Instead, it represented a more deliberate and methodical approach.'s strategy was to acquire and manage a diverse range of digital service companies, many of which were focused on the Shopify platform. This focus was not by chance; it was a calculated move that tapped into the burgeoning potential of e-commerce and online platforms.

In our conversation, we highlighted the impressive scale of Tiny's portfolio. At one point, had acquired around 35 companies, each with its own unique place in the digital services landscape. This strategy of diversification not only spread the risk but also allowed for cross-pollination of ideas and resources across the portfolio.

Reflecting on's growth, it became evident that Andrew's approach was markedly different from typical tech startups. He wasn't chasing the next big tech breakthrough or a unicorn status. Instead, he focused on building a stable, profitable, and diverse portfolio of companies that collectively contributed to the strength and resilience of

The story of's growth is a testament to Andrew's strategic foresight and his ability to build a sustainable business model in an industry often characterized by its pursuit of rapid growth and innovation. It stands as a unique example in the tech world, where a diversified portfolio and a focus on steady, long-term growth can lead to substantial success.

Andrew's Business Philosophy and Techniques

As we further analyze Andrew's approach to building, it becomes clear that his business philosophy significantly deviates from the norms of traditional venture capital or private equity models. Andrew's strategy revolves around a conservative yet effective approach to business, prioritizing long-term sustainability over short-term gains.

During our discussion, it was apparent that Andrew valued the concept of "buying and holding" rather than the more common "buy and flip" strategy seen in many investment circles. His method involves carefully selecting companies that exhibit potential for stable and continuous growth, rather than chasing after high-risk, high-reward ventures. This prudent approach reflects his deep understanding of the market and an ability to identify businesses with enduring value.

One key aspect of Andrew's technique is his emphasis on acquiring companies that align with his vision and values. He looks for businesses with a strong foundation, minimal risk, and the potential for steady growth. Once acquired, these companies are not subjected to radical overhauls; instead, Andrew installs competent leadership and ensures that the original vision and culture of the company are preserved. This respect for the acquired company's identity and operational style is somewhat rare in the acquisition-heavy world of tech businesses.

Moreover, Andrew's approach is not just about acquiring and managing companies; it's also about creating an ecosystem where these companies can thrive. He believes in providing these businesses with the resources and guidance they need while allowing them the autonomy to operate independently. This balance of support and independence is a critical component of Tiny's success, ensuring that each company within the portfolio continues to innovate and grow in its unique way.

In summary, Andrew's business philosophy and techniques are a blend of traditional business wisdom and modern entrepreneurial spirit. By focusing on long-term value creation and respecting the individuality of each company within his portfolio, Andrew has crafted a unique and successful approach to building a business empire in the digital age.

The Impact and Legacy of Dribble

A pivotal chapter in the story of and Andrew is the acquisition of Dribble, a platform that has become a cornerstone in the design community. This acquisition is not only a testament to Andrew's strategic business acumen but also highlights his ability to recognize and nurture platforms that have a significant impact on their respective industries.

Dribble, originally a social platform for designers, found a new trajectory under Tiny's ownership. Our discussion delved into how Andrew, through Tiny, brought in a fresh perspective to Dribble, transforming it into a more dynamic and influential platform within the design world. This transformation was not about overhauling Dribble's core identity; instead, it was about enhancing its strengths and expanding its reach.

Under Tiny's stewardship, Dribble evolved beyond being just a social platform. It became a vital resource in the design community, fostering connections, creativity, and collaboration among designers worldwide. This evolution of Dribble is a clear indicator of Andrew's vision for the companies within Tiny's portfolio - to nurture and develop them while respecting their original essence.

Moreover, the Dribble acquisition reflects Andrew's deeper understanding of the tech and design industries. It demonstrates his ability to identify platforms that, with the right guidance and resources, can significantly contribute to their fields. Dribble's success story under Tiny is not just about financial gains; it's about creating a lasting impact in the design community and setting a precedent for how acquisitions can lead to positive transformations.

The Dribble story within Tiny's journey is a powerful example of Andrew's approach to business. It's a narrative about recognizing potential, driving growth, and building a legacy that goes beyond mere profitability. It encapsulates the essence of what, under Andrew's leadership, aims to achieve in the tech world.

The Future of

As we reach the present day in our exploration of, it's natural to ponder what lies ahead for Andrew and his unique venture., with its diversified portfolio and unconventional approach, stands at a crossroads where numerous possibilities and challenges loom on the horizon.

In our discussion, we speculated on the future trajectory of Given its current structure and philosophy, one path forward might involve continuing to acquire and nurture companies that fit within Andrew's vision of stable, long-term growth. This strategy has served well so far, but as the digital landscape evolves, so too must Tiny's approach.

The potential challenges for in the future could stem from various factors. The ever-changing dynamics of the tech industry, shifts in market demands, and the emergence of new technologies all pose potential hurdles. Additionally, as grows, maintaining the balance between providing support and autonomy to its portfolio companies might become increasingly complex.

However, the future also holds immense opportunities for Andrew's ability to identify and invest in businesses with enduring value could lead to more significant acquisitions, possibly even outside the digital services realm. The expansion of the Shopify ecosystem, for instance, presents a fertile ground for to deepen its influence and reach.

Moreover,'s model could inspire a new wave of entrepreneurs and investors who see value in the "buy and hold" strategy. This could lead to a shift in how businesses are built and acquired, with more focus on sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

In conclusion, while the future is uncertain,'s journey so far suggests a path marked by thoughtful expansion, resilience in the face of change, and a steadfast commitment to Andrew's foundational business principles. As navigates the future, it will undoubtedly continue to be a fascinating case study in the art of building a diversified and sustainable business empire in the modern age.


As we wrap up our exploration of and its founder, Andrew, on the Turban Foster Show, it's clear that this story is more than just about a successful business model. It's about a visionary entrepreneur who redefined the norms of the tech industry with his unique approach to business growth and acquisition.

Throughout our discussion, we've seen how Andrew's early experiences shaped his entrepreneurial journey, leading to the creation of a company that stands out in the tech world for its diversity and stability. His approach to business, focusing on long-term value rather than short-term gains, has not only led to the success of but also serves as an inspiration for current and future entrepreneurs.

The story of, especially the transformation and impact of acquisitions like Dribble, demonstrates Andrew's strategic foresight and his commitment to nurturing the growth of the companies within his portfolio. His ability to maintain a balance between support and independence for these companies is a testament to his leadership and business acumen.

Looking ahead, the future of holds a mix of challenges and opportunities. The evolving digital landscape and market dynamics will undoubtedly test Tiny's resilience and adaptability. However, Andrew's track record and business philosophy suggest that is well-equipped to navigate these changes and continue its trajectory of sustainable growth.

In conclusion, the journey of under Andrew's leadership is a compelling narrative that highlights the power of strategic thinking, diversification, and a commitment to long-term business principles in the ever-changing world of technology. It stands as a beacon for entrepreneurs and investors alike, showing that success in the tech industry can be achieved through unconventional paths and a focus on enduring value.